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Animal Concern Advice Line News 2020

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December 2020

December 22nd 2020: Fergus Ewing, Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Turning Somersaults for Salmon Farmers, has been annoying our Mr. Robins yet again. Not only did Mr. Ewing admit there is no mechanism to warn the public when contaminated fish escape from fish farms, he then went on to describe salmon farming as sustainable, something it most definitely is not. I don't think John's email will get him onto Mr. Ewing's Christmas card list. You can read it on the Animal Concern website, here:

October 2020

October 23rd 2020: After receiving several reports from people whose pets have been upset by fireworks John Robins of ACAL has asked the Scottish Government to use Covid emergency powers to ban the sale and use of fireworks. He has also asked MPs representing Scottish constituencies to press Westminster for a permanent UK ban on the personal ownership and use of fireworks. Full details here:

September 2020

September 1st 2020: Animal Concern made history today. Animal Concern Ltd was today granted recognition as a Charity in Scotland. This is an historic moment. Back in the 1950s The Scottish Anti-Vivisection Society (SAVS), along with some of the London based Anti-Vivisection Societies, went all the way to the highest courts in the land to try and gain charity status. This was refused as it was ruled that vivisection advanced the human condition and opposing that was not a charitable purpose. SAVS always argued that while there is no doubt that some animal experiments may have advanced medical science there is also no doubt that animal experiments have passed medications as safe only for them to go on to maim and kill humans. Animal experiments have also denied us good medicines which would be safe for humans but caused adverse effects in other animals. No matter the pros and cons of vivisection there can be no denying that experimenting on animals is animal exploitation. Animal Concern made a point of clearly highlighting this in their Objects in their application to become a charity. Today it was openly and fully recognised that experiments on animals are exploitation and campaigning for the abolition of such experiments is no longer a bar to becoming a charity. An abbreviated version of the notification from the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator to Animal Concern Ltd can be found on the Animal Concern website here:

September 1st 2020: On 18th June we asked Scot Gov to include animal sanctuaries in the financial assistance being offered to zoos during the Covid Crisis. We received a reply today explaining why sanctuaries will not be supported. Read it here:

August 2020

August 24th 2020: The Scottish Government changed the name of its Environment Department today. John Robins is not impressed. Read his rant on the Animal Concern website here:

August 9th 2020: Inglorious 12th 3: Oops. John Robins forgot that if we want a total ban on driven grouse shooting we are going to have to lobby more than just Scottish politicians. More on the Animal Concern website here:

August 8th 2020: Inglorious 12th 2: Call for a total ban on driven grouse shooting. More on the Animal Concern website here:

August 7th 2020: Inglorious 12th 1: Despite the forecast for good weather in the UK John Robins has asked supporters to stay indoors and send off some campaign emails and sign a few petitions. More on the Animal Concern website here:

July 2020

July 24th 2020: Animal Concern helped fund the latest investigation by Don Staniford of Scottish Salmon Watch into salmon farming in Scotland. Twice in one day Don filmed storage of salmon morts in somewhat concerning conditions on the Isle of Skye. Animal Concern has asked the authorities to investigate. Their email includes links to the videos of the mort bins, one of which is owned by an RSPCA Assured salmon farming company. Full details on the Animal Concern website here:

July 20th 2020: Later today MPs at Westminster will be voting on a Bill which will effect everyone in the United Kingdom and animals around the world. You may have heard it referred to as “The chlorinated chicken Bill”. Animal Concern has asked all Members of Parliament representing Scottish constituencies to act to curb the very negative aspects of this Bill. You can read that message on the Animal Concern website here:

June 2020

June 30th 2020: John Robins has sent a rather sombre message to members and supporters of Animal Concern. You can read it on the Animal Concern website here:

June 28th 2020: Animal Concern has issued a press release calling for an immediate ban on killing seals in Scotland. Read it on the Animal Concern website here:

June 28th 2020: A fishy article in the Holyrood Magazine gave John Robins a rude awakening today. See what he had to say about it over on the Animal Concern website here:

June 18th 2020: Scottish zoos are to share a £1.6 hand-out of public money to help them through the Covid 19 crisis. Animal Concern has asked the First Minister to step in and help animals in sanctuaries and rescue centres as well. More on the AC website here:

June 17th 2020: Supporters in Scotland have been asked to back the appeal John Robins of Animal Concern made to all MSPs regarding voting for improved animal protection legislation when the Animals and Wildlife (Penalties, Protections and Powers) (Scotland) Bill is put before Parliament later today. Full story on the Animal Concern website here:

June 13th 2020: John Robins is ranting again. Animal Concern has won a major campaign but the old boy is not exactly ecstatic about it. Find out why over on the Animal Concern website here:

May 2020

May 27th 2020: Back in April, Animal Concern asked Customs Officers to find out if the tens of thousands of traditional medicine packs being distributed to Chinese students in the UK during the Covid 19 pandemic contain prohibited rare animal parts. HMRC did not respond so Animal Concern has sent them a reminder. Their original request is here:

April 2020

April 28th 2020: The Daily Record recently revealed that a woman in Scotland is breeding large cats which require to be licensed under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act. She sells them as pets for as much as £7,500 each. She has admitted she is also breeding mountain lions at a secret location in Perthshire. Animal Concern has asked the Scottish Government to investigate this matter. We too would like to see the commercial breeding, selling and private ownership of these animals banned in Scotland. More on the Animal Concern website here:

April 20th 2020: Animal Concern has asked Customs Officers to find out what is in the tens of thousands of traditional medicine packs being distributed to Chinese students in the UK during the Covid 19 pandemic. Chinese medicines can include a multitude of rare animal parts which are illegal to import into the UK. Find out more on the Animal Concern Website here:

March 2020

March 31st 2020: Five days ago Animal Concern asked the Scottish Government not to use public money to subsidise wealthy multi-national fish farmers and owners of huge trawlers during the Covid 19 crisis. Animal Concern received a very positive reply today. You can read it on the Animal Concern website here:

March 30th 2020: As predicted by John Robins, Hamish, the cute and cuddly polar bear at Highland Wildlife Park, is no longer quite so cute and cuddly and he has to move out. John has asked the Park owners to make sure Hamish does not suffer the same sad fate as his predecessor Minty. Full story on the Animal Concern website here:

March 26th 2020: The Scottish Government is using £5m of public money to bail out the fishery and “seafood” sector during the Covid 19 pandemic. Animal Concern has asked the Government to ensure the money goes to more environmentally friendly operators in real risk of sinking and not to wealthy multinational fish farmers and rich trawler owners who neither need or deserve our cash. Full story on the Animal Concern website here:

March 16th 2020: It seems there's a bit of a bug going around. ACAL has advice for people most at risk who are worried about what will happen to their pets and we have appealed for fitter folk to do what they can to Help People Help Animals during the current crisis. Full details here:

February 2020

February 26th 2020: John Robins has the shooting industry in his sights again. He has asked Police Scotland to ensure a Stirlingshire man recently convicted of shooting a sparrowhawk can no longer be in possession of any guns. It has also emerged that,; as predicted by John back in 2018, controversial American huntress Larysa Switlyk did not break the law during her trip to Scotland. However John still believes she can be barred from ever killing more wildlife in Scotland and he has once again asked Police Scotland to refuse her permission to shoot here in future. You can read our latest letter to police Scotland here:

January 2020

January 29th 2020: The Radio 1 Big Weekend is going to bring big names, big numbers and big noise to Camperdown Park in Dundee. Animal Concern has asked Dundee City Council to ensure the permanent residents of Camperdown Park are not disturbed by the visitors. Full details on the Animal Concern website here:

January 22nd 2020: There's something fishy going on at the salmon farms again. There's a little good news and a lot of bad news. To find out more and perhaps add to the protest, please read Animal Concern's email to supporters and message to MSPs and Scottish Government Ministers. You'll find that on the Animal Concern website here:

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