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Animal Concern Advice Line News 2017

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December 2017

December 13th 2017: Suitably dressed for the weather in his Save Our Seals Fund sou´wester John Robins has reiterated his call for a moratorium on the planned massive expansion of salmon farming in Scotland. Full details here:

November 2017

November 24th 2017: Wearing his Save Our Seals Fund sou´wester John Robins has been trying to get the Scottish Government to publish details of what chemicals and medicines salmon have been exposed to prior to escaping into the wild from Scottish salmon farms. The Government collects the information but does not make it public alongside other details of escape incidents.
Maurice Golden MSP took it up with the Cabinet Secretary with responsibility for aquaculture and it looks like his intervention has done the trick.
You can read his question and the answer given by Fergus Ewing. Full details here:

November 18th 2017: Animal Concern Advice Line has called on the Government of Jordan to cancel a huge cull of street dogs. At least 1,000 dogs have been killed by poison or shooting in the last four weeks.
You can read the ACAL e-mail and learn more about the slaughter of dogs in Jordan on the website of an activist in that country. Full details here:

November 5th 2017: John Robins and Animal Concern have been involved in some fireworks over fox hunting in the letters pages of the Sunday Herald. Full details here:

October 2017

October 31st 2017: Wearing his Save Our Seals Fund sou´wester on a wet and windy Halloween John Robins has condemned the University of the Highlands and Islands for teaching students to kill seals. Read more about that in The Sun newspaper. Full details here:

Link leads to Checked and working as of October 31st 2017

October 30th 2017: Last night Animal Concern Advice Line was asked about the safety of Halloween costumes for dogs. We bought one and tested it... Full details here:

October 23rd 2017: We have had a bit of media coverage over the last couple of days. Full details here:

October 20th 2017: John Robins has his Save Our Seals Fund Sou´wester on again. After millions of salmon died from disease, parasites and other problems on floating factory fish farms around Scotland SOSF has called for a moratorium on the massive expansion underway in salmon farming in Scotland. Full details here:

October 3rd 2017: Later this week the Scottish Parliament will discuss the Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses (Scotland) Bill. ACAL would like to see a few changes made before it becomes law and has asked all MSPs to do what they can to improve the Bill. Full details here:

October 2nd 2017: John Robins managed to miss a bit, a very important bit, when he made the ACAL submission to the Welsh Assembly consultation into Mobile Animal Exhibits. He put that right here. Full details here:

September 2017

September 30th 2017: The Welsh Government is seeking submissions to their consultation on Mobile Animal Exhibits. The closing date is 8th October and you can read our submission here:

September 23rd 2017: ACAL has received a reply from the Scottish Government to several questions we raised about animal welfare. You can read that letter here. Some of it was good news but some of it left a lot to be desired. Full details here:

September 16th 2017: In his position as Secretary of the Save Our Seals Fund John Robins has raised a number of concerns over the escape of large numbers of factory farmed fish from intensive salmon farming operations around the Scottish coast. Full details here:

September 5th 2017: Campaign success! I've just received the following e-mail from Carmarthenshire County Council regarding the sheep race due to take place at the Llandovery Sheep Festival. Full details here:

September 1st 2017: ACAL have called for changes to Scots Law in respect of cruelty to animals. We have called for increases in sentencing powers, the introduction of a Register of Offenders and a new law to license and police animal rescue centres. Full details here:

August 2017

August 25th 2017: Following their successful campaign to stop a sheep racing event in Moffat ACAL are now trying to stop a similar event in Wales. Full details here:

August 11th 2017: Please find below an e-mail I sent to our supporters a few minutes ago after learning that the Moffat Sheep Races have been cancelled. Animal Concern Advice Line (ACAL) objected to these races as they clearly breach the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006. Our successful campaign is outlined in the e-mail below. Please feel free to use anything from that e-mail or from my statement below. I will be going out of the office shortly and can be contacted on mobile 07721605521. Full details here:

August 9th 2017: After a month of getting no-where with Dumfries and Galloway Council and the Scottish SPCA we have called on the Scottish Cabinet Minister with responsibility for animal welfare and asked her to intervene to stop the Moffat Sheep Races going ahead this coming Sunday. Read our plea to Roseanna Cunningham. Full details here:

July 2017

July 29th 2017: ACAL has hit a setback in their campaign to stop a sheep racing event in southern Scotland. More about the event and how you can help here. Full details here:

July 29th 2017: John Robins has asked ACAL supporters to lobby Highland Council in a bid to save animals from neglect at the Black Isle Animal Park. Full details here:

July 5th 2017: On the 13th of August some unlucky sheep may have hand-knitted jockeys strapped to their backs and then be forced to run around the streets of the town of Moffat in Scotland. This breaches the Animal Health & Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006 and we are trying to stop it. Full details here:

May 2017

May 18th 2017: On the first day of their discussions on the new Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses (Scotland) Bill, John Robins, as Secretary of Animal Concern Advice Line, offered MSPs some advice based on his 37 years of campaigning on the issue. Full details here:

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