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Animal Concern Advice Line News

Andoversford Sheep Racing

Cotswold District Council,
Trinity Road,
Gloucestershire GL7 1PX

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would be grateful if you would copy this e-mail to your Council Leader, Chief Executive and Licencing Committee.

I write concerning the sheep racing event due to take place at Ossage Farm, Andoversford, GL54 4LQ on Sunday 7th April 2019.

Although the Animal and Plant Health Agency disagree with me I believe sheep racing is a criminal offence under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

Under Section 9 (2) of the 2006 Act any person responsible for the welfare of an animal must ensure they meet:

(a) its need for a suitable environment,
(c) its need to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns,
(e) its need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.

Please note that under the 2006 Act “suffering” means physical or mental suffering which includes stress and fear.

You don't have to have a degree in ovine behaviour studies to know that a busy, noisy event is not a suitable environment for sheep.

Even under the best circumstances sheep racing will cause the animals to suffer fear and stress. Sheep races are surely not a bit of harmless fun but a criminal offence?

There is one thing on which I agree with the APHA. Organisers of sheep races require to be licensed under the Performing Animals (Regulation) Act 1925.

If the organisers of the Andoversford sheep races do not have the license required under that Act to train and exhibit performing animals, then I ask you to advise them that the races cannot go ahead. I also ask that you ensure the organisers have any necessary public liability insurance cover.

I request that Cotswold District Council take immediate steps to ensure the Andoversford sheep races do not take place.

Please note that under the 2006 Act “suffering” means physical or mental suffering which includes stress and fear.

Yours faithfully,

John F. Robins,
Animal Concern Advice Line