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Animal Concern Advice Line News

To supporters of Animal Concern, Animal Concern Advice Line and Scottish Anti–Vivisection Society.


I hope I find you well.

Several of you have received replies from the Scottish Government regarding the SNH review of General Licences to kill birds. All the replies are similar to the one I received (attached to previous News item).

The previous News item also includes the email I have sent to the Scottish Parliament in response to the totally unacceptable position the Government is taking on General Licences.

Those of you who have received a reply via your MSP should write to them saying you find the Government stance on this unacceptable. You'll find some ideas in my email but don't copy it, write a short email in your own words.

If you are in Scotland and didn't write to your MSPs earlier, please consider doing so now even if only to tell them you support the stance taken by Animal Concern Advice Line on this issue and you would like to know if they think the current General Licence system is acceptable in the 21st century.

If you live outwith Scotland please write to the First Minister, tell her you support ACAL on this and ask what her position is on the General Licence scheme. (email details below)

I will be writing to you again in the next few days regarding replies from the Scottish Government on salmon farms.

As you are no doubt aware it is now open season on flying pigs. These creatures are being released every few hours by representatives of the various political parties and their opponents, suitably mounted on Unicorns and armed with golden arrows, are shooting them down in flames. Before the end of the flying pig season (December 12th) I would like our supporters in the UK to take a few pot shots themselves. I want you to ignore promises to land the first Brit on Mars by 2023 and to build a thousand new schools and train a million new doctors and police officers by a week on Wednesday (all paid for by selling compost made from Haggis dung).

What I would like you to do is ask your General Election candidates a few questions on their attitude on animal issues. Would they agree to devolve responsibility for Scientific Procedures on Living Animals from Westminster to the Scottish and Welsh Governments? Would they support an end to badger culling and a proper ban on fox hunting? Would they support a total ban on public ownership and use of fireworks? Would they back calls to make microchipping of cats compulsory? Would they support strengthening the fishery protection fleet and drastically reducing the quotas for fish catches? Will they support building recognition of animal sentience into all relevant legislation? Would they support a ban on the import of any animal products not produced under welfare standards at least as high as those in the UK? Would they support a ban on the export of live animals for finishing or slaughter and a ban on the export of racing greyhounds? Would they support a ban on sentient slaughter of animals? I'm sure you can think of a few more but that should be enough to be getting on with.

That's enough for one email. I'll be in contact again soon.

Cheers 4 now,


Email First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on:
Find your MSPs here: For your General Election Candidates look out for contact details on any canvassing literature. You could also write to the various political parties and ask what their policies are on the various issues.